Crafting Your Own Cleaning Products

When you live out in the country your curiosity gets the better of you and you start thinking of how things are made, and what did do in the olden days.

Soap I have always preferred a liquid soap over bar soap and wanted to know how they did it back when they didn’t have the chemicals and surfactant’s ( soap made with chemicals) they have of today.

Then I found out about castile soap which originated in Spain where they grew olives and used the olive oil to make their own liquid soap.

So liquid soap is just oils water and lye. By using a different version lye gives you liquid soap potassium hydroxide and there another version is sodium hydroxide which makes bar soap.

If the main ingredients are just oils water and lye then I thought what if you got a used cooking oil from a local café filtered it and then made soap. Then I took it one step further being totally off the grid for electricity you start realising how to harvest the heat from the sun. Castile soap does not need a high temperature to cook so I cook the soap paste in stainless steel bain-marie containers and put them out in the sun creating their own solar oven.

I gave it a try and it worked. For last 8 years I have got used cooking oil filtered it and turned it into liquid soap which I use for cleaning around the house, washing up, washing clothes etc. I have not bought a cleaning product from the supermarket for 8 years.

I am surprised at well it cleans it seems to be something to do with that it has been heated and reheated so many times that it seems to have a chemical reaction to make the soap have even more cleaning power.

Imagine if we could get all the used cooking oil from takeaway shops and turn it into soap now that is recycling and having oils do 2 jobs not one. You could ad another purpose as well which is bio-diesel for older cars.

When you purchase our castile soap for cleaning you are helping with recycling of used cooking oils you will be using a totally natural product which is also cooked in the sun.

Can purchase our cleaning soap here.