Repurposing Fabric for your homemade items.

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When you decide to make your own homemade items there really is no rules when it comes to fabrics. As an example I can remember wanting to make curtains and a quilt cover for my youngest sons room. I wanted a green tartan check. I couldn’t find it anywhere. But what I did find is tablecloths that were the exact fabric I wanted. So I bought 4 tablecloths in the largest size they had and created a quilt cover and curtains. The great thing about the tablecloths is that they were a nice thick cotton nearly like a light canvas fabric. They turned out great. That is just one example to not get hooked up where you find the right fabric for your project.

Another items that is not really used as much in this day is doilies, my mum use to crochet and embroider doilies they were beautiful. I have seen people sew the doilies together and make a dress, or sew a heap together to make a wall hanging. Not my cup of tea but I love to see how people get the ideas and follow through with them to repurpose old doilies. Some people out there are so creative in their ideas its great to see how they repurpose fabrics and items. Good on them.

Repurposing old sheets, blankets and towels can also be used in projects. Society has really become a throw away society and I really feel it is time for all of us to look at items before they are thrown away is to ask the question can part of this item be repurposed. Social media is a great way to offer items your throwing away to others that could repurpose, if you’re not a sewer or crafty person. It is really like recycling, if we recycle paper and plastic why can’t recycle fabrics, clothes, sheets, blankets etc I think it is something that should be encouraged through all communities.

So, remember if you need fabric for your next homemade project go look through your linen press, your wardrobe or items you have in storage and see how you can repurpose those items. Not only are you saving money but something that has emotional value you have kept in storage can be brought back to life which you keep treasuring for more years to come.

